Personal Growth

When we are in a relatively peaceful, stable time of life, most of us rarely think about seeking any type of help. This can actually be the best time to do the deep dive of knowing ourselves better, loving ourselves more, forgiving, and being forgiven, broadening our interests, and clarifying goals.  This is a process that requires a bit of time and commitment to sit through confusing or uncomfortable memories and feelings. There are some exercises designed to assist the foregoing as well as using some of the interventions described in the Mindfulness and Meditation tab and some in the Stress tab.

If you are ready to undertake this practice, I congratulate you. It is not for the faint of heart but can be one of the most profound and loving experiences of your life.

There are several ways to contact me. Please give me a call at (949) 812-9785, send an email to [email protected], or simply text me at the above number. I look forward to speaking with you.

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