Addiction And Recovery

Addiction And RecoveryAddictions are a Disorder which can stem from biological predisposition, abuse of alcohol or other substances, overprescription of opioids, environmental stressors or a lack of coping mechanisms for life's inevitable challenges. Addiction occurs in every socioeconomic group, every ethnicity and every identified gender group. Once addiction replaces abuse, it is very, very difficult, if not impossible, to stop one one's own. This is because in addition to physical addiction, there are actual changes to the "brain reward system"

This part of the brain is responsible for producing and seeking feelings of pleasure and will create thoughts such as, "I deserve this," or "I can't have fun without this", "I am more social and likeable when I indulge". When the usage gets out of control, this brain center produces thoughts of "I can handle it", and "I can stop whenever I want" despite evidence to the contrary. A saying in recovery circles is "One drink is too many and 10 drinks is not enough".  It is common at this stage for a person to deny or actually be unaware that they are out of control.

Seeking Professional Help

When a person finally understands that the substance is running and ruining their life, they are ready for some type of treatment. In severe cases where the process of withdrawal creates medical danger, a stay in a Detox/Rehabilitative Center may be required before it is safe to start counseling.  An addiction of any sort can be exhausting and one should never go through the recovery process alone.

Underlying issues, thought process, skills and tools can be taught and learned to assist with this debilitating disorder.

There are several ways to contact me. Please give me a call at (949) 812-9785, send an email to [email protected], or simply text me at the above number. I look forward to speaking with you.

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