
Depression And AnxietyDepression is a debilitating condition which can vary in intensity. For some, it is a one time experience which could be based on an external event. For others, it can be cyclical or a chronic low lying feeling. Genetics may be partially responsible. Regardless of cause, the symptoms are similar and show up as some or all of the following:

  • Sadness or crying which lasts longer than 2 weeks - sometimes for unidentifiable reasons
  • Low energy and lack of interest in activities previously found pleasurable
  • Poor concentration or focus
  • Feelings of Guilt or Hopelessness
  • Lack of appetite or Overeating
  • Difficulty with Sleeping or Sleeping excessively

Seeking Professional Help

Every person is unique and different and a treatment plan is tailored to each utilizing a variety of modalities depending on the severity. Talk therapy and cognitive behavioral therapies are two of the most common approaches in Western Psychology. Eastern Psychology promotes self-compassion, loving-kindness towards self and even towards depression itself to understand deeply the particular thought process and beliefs that are causing some of the depressed mood and what the depression might be trying to tell you.

There are several ways to contact me. Please give me a call at (949) 812-9785, send an email to [email protected], or simply text me at the above number. I look forward to speaking with you.

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